the next generation of PRP
Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (i-PRF) is the next generation of PRP.
i-PRF offers an innovative concept to overcome previous limitations within regenerative medicine. It offers excellent cell viability and bio compatibility with superior tissue regeneration.

This advanced form of platelet rich plasma does not use anticoagulants or other chemical based additives, therefore offers a completely natural treatment to improve volume loss, photo damage, fine lines and wrinkles, scars, pigmentation, poor texture and hair loss.
Studies prove the i-PRF Smart Cell System offers a significantly higher concentration of platelets when compared to PRP following centrifugation, which highlights the superiority of Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin and why this system is a true game changer.
How does it work?
Injectable platelet rich fibrin or (iPRF) uses your own blood plasma which is enriched with:
- platelets (source of healing proteins and growth factors)
- fibrin (the wound healing and regeneration matrix)
- stem cells (the conductors of our body’s own healing and regenerative orchestra of healing and regeneration molecules).
The PRF or “the good stuff” is separated and then be needled into the skin with the DermaPro Skin needling pen or administered with a cannula or very fine needle to activate healing and regeneration. Although this is from your own body, no area would naturally get exposure to such a potent concentration of bio stimulating and regenerative cells. However, the process that is triggered is totally innate and natural.
iPRF intensifies the functioning and reproduction of cells, thus having a gentle, gradual yet long lasting and accumulative effect. As a result, new fibroblasts, collagen and elastin tissues are formed, skin elasticity and complexion is improved, and the pigmentation is reduced.
What Happens During The Treatment?
Blood will be taken from your arm in the same way as any blood sample is taken. Don’t worry, I won’t be draining you! The amount taken will be enough to fill a single test tube.
The test tube will be placed into my centrifuge and spun. While that does its magic, the area to be treated will be cleansed and any makeup will be removed.
Once the spinning is finished the PRF will be drawn off and either needled into the skin using the DermaPro of administered under the skin using a very fine needle or cannula.
Time will be taken to go through aftercare and any recommended products to boost your results.
Does it hurt?
When your blood is being collected there may be a slight scratch when the needle is inserted.
The techniques to administer the PRF differ in levels of discomfort but neither will be too uncomfortable.
Numbing cream can be applied if needed.
During a consultation we can chat about the different results I have helped my patients achieve. What concerns you have, how they make you feel and how you would like to feel about what you see in the mirror.
We can perform an in depth analysis of your face using the fabulous Observ520 machine. This machine will analyse your face under different lights, we can see what’s really going on under the surface.
We can chat about all the treatments and products that I’d recommend. Together we can create a bespoke treatment plan and skincare regime to suit you.